Sunday, December 8, 2019

Uber Technologies Limited Free-Samples

Question: Choose one of the Media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site. Answer: Introduction The assignment has considered the case study of Uber cars especially on its autonomous cars segments. These autonomous cars are driver less cars. Uber has launched autonomous vehicle with by coming into an agreement with Volvo. However it was observed that before Volvo and Uber, Google has also launched autonomous cars. The provided paper has made discussion over autonomous cars that are driver less cars with four classical theories, these are as: utilitarianism theory, deontology theory, virtue and contract theory (Bourke, 2016). Utilitarianism theory This theory describes about the things which are right or wrong, it answers about things which need to be done for the betterment of the people. By applying utilitarianism theory, the company would get things which can lead to increase the good or morale of the people. According to this theory, only those actions or things should be done which makes the consumer happy or feel good. The basic objective of this theory is to increase the utility of the consumer by the companys offerings. In the view of this theory, the morale can be classified into good and bad. Here good morale means things or actions which make people feel happy. Here good morale can be further classified into two things which are as: qualitative and quantitative. In utilitarian theory, qualitative good are those which lead to increase in the pleasure and make the consumer feel happy. While in case of quantitative good, it focuses on those actions or things which increase the well being of the consumer. At last bad morale are those actions or things which makes the consumer totally unsatisfied or disappointed (Castile, 2015). By applying the utilitarian theory in case of Uber driver-less cars, the basic aim of the company is to increase the level of safety for the consumers. According to Uber, safety can be increased by reducing accidents. According to them, a consumer ensures about the safety measures inbuilt in the vehicle. It is the perception of Uber managers that by introducing the concept of driverless cars, the accidents would be reduced to a great extent (Charlton, 2015). In the view of reporter of New York Times; John Markoff, the introduction of autonomous car is successful, according to him accident happens due to non stopping of vehicle at red light. He has conducted a test drive of seven autonomous cars, then after he has arrived at a conclusion that by introducing driverless car would be a successful innovation (Halpern, 2016). According to the case study if Uber self driving- less cars, the employees and drivers are not scared being put of their job. According to them, increase in the technology leads to more growth in employment instead of creating unemployment. It has been observed that in 2016, Uber has appointed some car mechanics, robotic experts and expert managers. The mission of the company at that time was to replace the human drivers with robotic drivers. To make this work, Uber has come into joint veture with Otto. To reduce unemployment among Otto employees, Uber has provided them a share of 20% of the profits as earned by autonomous vehicles. This has lead to lower down the fear of earnings and livelihood among the drivers of the company (Harris, Wijesinghe, McKenzie, 2012). In the view of Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber, the autonomous car would be a mix of driver and driver less cars. According to him, introduction of driverless cars would be requiring more human capital to maintain such cars, making them highly equipped and matching with the technology (Sheng, 2012). Deontology theory According to this theory there is a relationship between good and morale. Deontology theory explains about the compilation of duty which is based on the principles of ethics. In the view of this theory, the results of the actions or things would be good only and only when, the processes of the actions are complying with morale. It has been observed that, some good acts or results are obligatory but that does not lead to morality or human welfare (Timmons, 2012). By analyzing the above discussion made on deontology theory, it is said that only those actions should be taken which are good for the people and for the people he cares about. For ensuring good for all, it is very necessary for the actions to comply with the morale. By combining the case study with the Uber driver less cars, it is said that the car should be programmed in such a way that it provides safety to pedestrians. It has been found by the analysis over Uber case study that 90% of the accidents are because of human errors. Hence by applying deontology theory on Uber driver less cars, the company has appointed highly trained engineers. The main task of them was to keep watch in case the car comes in an unexpected situation. The company has equipped a laptop on the back seat of car, which tells the passenger about what is happening on the road (Cvitanic Zhang, 2012). Virtue theory This theory considers the role of a character rather than its moral aspects. The main objective of virtue theory is to make the people live a good life rather than maximizing their utility aspects. In relation to Uber driverless cars, the car can be programmed in such a way that to avoid pedestrians the car would stop rather than going on other lane. While the other option is to avoid the pedestrian by moving onto other lane, this would lead to accident with the vehicle on other lane. The Volvo driverless car, it is programmed in such a way that to avoid the pedestrian, the car is allowed to move on other lane. It has made a safety record by going on other lane if it seems good by the programmed that is, if on the other lane the rider has wear belt or helmet (Hooker, 2012). Contract theory Contract theory defines the relationship between morale and obligations of the company. It describes that how contact or agreement should be changed if there is any conflict between the morale and obligations of the user. The contract theory considers behavioral as well as financial aspect. The motive of the contract theory is to take an ethical decision by considering the obligations and morale of that current situation. By relating contract theory to the concept of driverless cars of Uber, it has been found that the cars are programmed so efficiently that it would take faster decision as compare to human beings (Brenkert Beauchamp, 2010). Conclusion By analyzing the above classical theories it is concluded that in case of utilitarian theory, by introducing driver less cars the company would be requiring more human capital, hence there would be no unemployment. In case of deontology theory, it has been analyzed that the company is following such theory as it considers good for all the people. By analyzing virtue theory, it is said that the Uber is following virtue theory by looking good for all. By analyzing the contract theory in relation to Uber driver less cars, it has been analyzed that such cars are more efficient in taking decisions as compare to humans. References Bourke,L,.(2016). The Sydney morning herald. Uber expands its self- driving cars but drivers say they arent worried about being put out of a job. retrieved by Brenkert, G, G Beauchamp, T, L,. (2010) The oxford handbook of business ethics, OUP, USA Castile, M,.(2015). Drivers license. Bloomsbury publishing. USA Charlton, A,.(2015). International business times. You are the pedestrian: ethics of autonomous cars making emergency decisions to save lives. retrieved by Cvitanic, J Zhang, J,. (2012) Contract theory in continuos-time models, Springer science business media, United Kingdom Halpern, S. (2016). The New York review of books. Our driverless future. retrieved by Harris, H,. Wijesinghe, G,. McKenzie, S,. (2012) The heart of the good institution: virtue ethics as a framework for responsible management, Springer science business media, United Kingdom Hooker, B,. (2012) Developing deontology: new essay in ethical theory, John wiley sons, United Kingdom Sheng, C, L,. (2012) A new approach to utilitarianism: a unified theory and its application to distributive justice, Springer science business media, United Kingdom Timmons, M,. (2012) Moral theory: an introduction, Rowman Littlefield publishers, United Kingdom

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