Thursday, October 31, 2019

Interview Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview Questions - Essay Example I would be looking into valid reasons and even pry on the previous academic records. If previous records indicate that the standard GPA was met (which I assume it was since the student is already a sophomore student and would not have been admitted to the course due to the minimum admission criterion), I would determine the reasons for the apparent decline. Could there be stressful and challenging external factors that could have contributed to the decline other than failure to study or deliberate non- submission of academic requirements? If there are, I would seek the student to submit proof of circumstances that might have contributed to the lack of focus on educational pursuit. Likewise, I would like to know if the student is determined and committed to graduate from the course. If not, I would immediately advise that the student be taken out from the program. If, there is evidence that the student tried hard to attain the standard GPA, but mitigating circumstances that could not have been avoided, I could give the student another chance – provided that the standard GPA would be met next semester. Finally, I would determine what strategies were planned by the student to improve the academic performance in the coming semesters. 2. What role does technology and social media (such as Facebook, instant messaging, video conferencing, blogging, Twitter, podcasts, etc.) have in the adviser/student relationship? How do they help? How do they hinder? In contemporary generation’s academic pursuit, the role that technology and social media plays in the adviser/student relationship is crucial and significant. One strongly believes that both students and educators maintain registered accounts with social networking sites that could be utilized to exchange information, relay academic messages, and be used as a medium for enhancing much needed information, as required from the course. As proven from the research conducted by Lin (2011) and published in the Jo urnal of Online Learning and Teaching, the findings revealed that â€Å"integration of online activities into traditional teacher education courses can shift some of the power, authority, and control from the instructor to the learner while providing the interaction and connection that are central and valuable to traditional classrooms† (p. 99). Thus, technological applications and social media help in fostering a more conducive learning environment by encouraging active interaction and participation of course modules. As emphasized, â€Å"it used technology to increase interaction among students, increase engagement in learning and established a learning community outside of the classroom, while allowing individual contributions to be identified and evaluated† (Lin, 2011, p. 106). On the other hand, these networking sites could also hinder effective academic performance if the adviser or educator fails to provide a more vigilance and pro-active oversight to govern and validate student’s performance. This simply means that educators must have ways and means to discern that it is the students themselves who responded to the required academic requirements. 3. The media landscape is evolving. How do you approach advising a current student to prepare for a job market that is ever changing? As the media landscape was acknowledged to be continually evolving, students who prepare to hunt for job opportunities must exercise

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Course review of the semester Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course review of the semester - Coursework Example The most common of all civilizations recorded in the Indian history is the Indus Civilization. When analyzing the history of the ancient civilization, (Srinivas, 2004, p.58) argues that the Indus Civilization began in the Bronze Age stage of human evolution. Among the three prehistoric culture, the Indus Civilization was the most widespread covering an approximate area of over a million square kilometers. The other civilizations were Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. Another surprising fact about the Indus Civilization is that its inhabitants developed techniques such as metallurgy (melting metals such as copper and tin) and handcraft (carving and basketry). Furthermore, the civilization had cities with excellent urban plans such as drainage system, water supply system and huge residential buildings. The Vedic era was characterized by the Aryan culture that was associated with Vedas. In his work, (Srinivas, 2004) describes the Vedas as texts that are sacred to Hindu. In addition, the Vedic civilization, which lasted up to 500BC, forms the foundation of Hinduism religion and many other Indian cultural aspects. The era of the Vedic civilization marked the genesis of the present day India. Most of the current day states of the art technology can trace their roots on the Indus and Vedic civilizations. In India, religion forms a foundation in major areas of life. According to (Srinivas, 2004, p.60), about 85 percent of Indians adhere to Hindu religion while the rest are mainly Muslims. Just like Indian gods and goddesses. Hinduism has many dimensions depending on location and caste. Indians follow dharma as their moral codes while Vedas are considered as being the sacred texts. Spiritually, (Srinivas, 2004, p.63), declares that Indians believe in reincarnation. In the belief, life is a continuous process of death and rebirth. According to the belief, when someone dies, a rebirth takes place

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Development of a GIS Within a Water Company

Development of a GIS Within a Water Company Introduction Geographic information systems (GIS) confirm every day, and with increasing popularity, that they are some essential tools for storing, managing, processing and mapping a large amount of georeferenced data, which related to a database shape a given geographical space. The increasingly widespread use of personal computers, along with a greater choice by software manufacturers allow an item, previously limited to powerful computers, can be treated by a large number of users. Geographic information systems make possible, among other things, the ability to extract different layers of thematic information relating to a particular spatial area, as well as all kinds of analysis and diagnosis in areas as diverse as territorial planning, or the environment or management resources This report aims to examine the development of a geographic information system within an organisation. More specifically it is a water company, as might be the case of Thames Water. This report will go into the operation of a large water company. The nature of the information included into geographic information system is varied. For example, data from network infrastructure projects are used as well as a geographical aspect, such as hydrologic basin boundaries, water bodies and other In this company there is also administrative information such as databases related to public use of water resources in a basin. Another type of information made available is the satellite image. For the development of the geographic information system it has been necessary to carefully define its own infrastructure of all the components involved in the process. These components are: hardware, storage, software, information structure in a server (done in a way that can be cost effective), tools for accessing and updating. Thus, it allows system users to access all information related to use them in tasks of water management. The idea of the implementation of a geographic information system in the company aims to provide technological and methodological solutions to the tasks of water management. The geographic information system is established to respond to questions that are not predefined in advance. Background An initial analysis of the company gives an idea of its size, and in base to this, the kind of infrastructure is chosen. Also, an study of the resources available is needed in order to meet the requirements of GIS that the company has. Services are put in place regarding maintenance of the geo-referenced information: infrastructure maintenance Within a water company, like Thames Water, several activities related to water management are summarised next in order to give examples of need for a GIS. First, there is a need to manage water resources, the public usage of water, water supply infrastructure and reservoirs GIS can help in the creation and implementation of water policies. Carry out the administration of public water usage and manage the use of water. Manage the implementation of works and water infrastructure, coordinate the exploitation and management of works and projects. Manage the recruitment, management and control of the earnings in the company A mobile system that reinforce the departments ability to manage field resources and service orders (Jacobs, D. et al., 2007) GIS sources As mentioned earlier, the company deals with information from different sources, each with its particular characteristics: information from infrastructure projects and other projects and other directly related to the natural environment, information from information systems information from satellite imagery and derived products. Information from infrastructure projects and other projects and other directly related to the natural environment The projects that the company deals with generate a lot of geographic information: major infrastructure projects (for example, water supply), environmental monitoring and planning (like flood zones and evacuation routes map (Mioc, 2008) and reference maps on issues relating directly to the environment (for example maps of rivers or watersheds). Once the company receives the information, the administrator of GIS adds value to information. One example is the case of water supply infrastructure: establishing topology, and enabling queries of what happens at certain point. Information from other systems The GIS of the company uses data from other information systems. The GIS software of the company is linked to external databases. Through database connectivity the company have access to information on Oracle format and Access format that contain administrative information with the records of the actions of the public with water resources (for example consume, discharges, building permits, etc..). It is also linked to other information systems with information directly related to the physical environment (network information system of surface water control) The company databases are based on a relational data model where data is stored in two dimensions tables. In this way theses tables are related and contain records for one entity. The company databases are also based in a georelational model where the tables are linked and contain data like topology, attributes etc. Using SQL language the company can query the data from the database and in this way can generate maps and tables with the information required by the users. The integration between databases and GIS software allows the end user to represent the elements of the database on a map, in that way many layers o different maps can be opened and overlaid and geographical relations between the elements mapped can be checked. The company uses Automated Mapping/Facilities Management AM/FM. With this application the non geographic and the geographic information can be integrated in one. The information of the company database is geocoded with the postcode address of their home. The process to geocode can be tedious, so another company does it. Once the information is geocoded analysis can be undertaken combined with other maps overlaid like a city map for instance. Like this the company can undertake different tasks. Information from satellite images and derived products Another type of information that makes use of GIS is the remote sensing information. Through contracts with other companies water company regularly receives processed images from satellites such as Landsat or SPOT. The images are geometrically and radiometrically corrected, the metadata is completed and is integrated into the GIS. The images are produced as a product of great visual interest. Compositions are created with true colour and false colour, easily accessible guide maps are made for quick access to view the images. This information is also used to track water requirements of crops, monitoring of snow cover and monitoring of water quality along the coast. On products derived from monitoring the area are creating databases, initially simple, storing the information, and are creating management tools to generate reports, graphs and maps to access quickly. On products derived from monitoring the area databases are created, that store the information, and management tools are created to generate reports, graphs and maps to access quickly. Maps can be created using this information of humidity index, cadastral parcels with water content, evapotranspiration, etc.. One of the problems that the company is facing is the lack of knowledge of the resources of remote sensing data. The GIS and Remote Sensing software used have been chosen according to the needs of the company: the key points when deciding which software to use in the company are: which benefits the software offer, the profile of users who will use it is also important, number of licenses needed and the price is also important. The technology is used by the company is ESRI because offers a high performance level in GIS: for example, has the necessary tools for analysis and interfaces hydraulic and hydrologic modelling (very important for a water company) and also offers the possibility of programming highly customized interfaces that are often very friendly welcome by users, but the disadvantage is its high cost that can limit the number of licenses. Hardware For hardware, the company has chosen to use a high-powered server as the company is a large size company and the amount of map information generated is very large. It is very important to choose a high performance hardware because as a large company, the amount of data to be processed is very high. When choosing the hardware is taken into account the time factor as the large amount of data that is received daily makes essential a technology that can provide mid-term capacity. Besides, the hardware has to respond to the addition of new series of maps and the continuing contribution of remote sensing imagery. It is essential to manage the huge volumes of geographical data in a efficient and effective way if the GIS is to be cost justified. Apart from hardware and software the structure of the data is also very important. The access to the information has to be easy to the users and also the maintenance and update. Information must be stored in a way that is structured in a objective way, scalable and easy to add new information. The structure of the data have been created according to the major thematic areas within the company. Here are the big four groups where the data has been divided into: Mapping management: maps and databases that include elements of the territory directly involved in the management, control, planning and land always in relation to the water business. These maps are generated within the company. (watershed, sewage systems, etc.). Thematic Mapping: mapping not linked to the water business, but that is related to environmental issues that the company is related to like natural reserves, Mapping of reference: map collections supplied by the Ordnance Survey (all sort of maps, from topographic to aerial photo rectified Other mapping: maps and databases of a part of the territory administered by the company, this mapping may also come from other entities as a result of specific studies Those who do easier tasks they dont need a full training on GIS and Remote Sensing because probably they are not going to use it, but what it is important is that these users have a personalised training on the task that are going to perform normally. For this reason within the company some personalised training is undertaken. Also step by step manuals describing the processes and above all the GIS office of the company is conducting ongoing advice on issues of GIS and Remote Sensing to the entire company. Conclusions Currently the GIS is an essential tool in the in the day to day in the company. Work of different sorts relating the water is undertaken with GIS. The GIS model of the company has allowed, despite some problems, enhance in each of the workspaces GIS as a tool for management, planning and analysis. Jacobs, D., Souza F., Ramey R. â€Å"GIS to the Rescue† Water Wastes Digest February 2007 Volume: 47 Number: 2 Darka Mioc, Franà §ois Anton and Gengsheng Liang On-line Street Network Analysis for Flood Evacuation Planning Remote Sensing and Gis Technologies for Monitoring and Prediction of Disasters. Berlin: Springer, 2008. Pages219-242

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner :: The Abstract Wild Jack Turner Essays

Analysis of The Abstract Wild by Jack Turner Jack Turner's The Abstract Wild is a complex argument that discusses many issues and ultimately defends the wild in all of its forms. He opens the novel with a narrative story about a time when he explored the Maze in Utah and stumbled across ancient pictographs. Turner tells this story to describe what a truly wild and unmediated experience is. The ideas of the aura, magic, and wildness that places contain is introduced in this story. Turner had a spiritual connection with the pictographs because of the power, beauty, and awe that they created within him upon their first mysterious contact. Turner ruined this unmediated experience by taking photographs of the pictographs and talking about them to several people. His second visit to the pictographs was extremely different- he had removed the wild connection with the ancient mural and himself by publicizing and talking about them. This is Turner's main point within the first chapter. He believes that when we take a wild place and photograph it, talk about it, advertise it, make maps of it, and place it in a national park that we ruin the magic, the aura, and the wildness of that place. Nature magazines, photographs, and films all contribute to the removal of our wild experience with nature. It is the difference between visiting the Grand Canyon after you have seen it on TV and read about it in magazines, or never having heard of the place and stumbling across it on your own during a hike. Unfortunately, almost every wild experience between nature and the public has been ruined by the media. Through Turner's story he begins to explain the idea of the wild and its importance and necessity of human interaction with the wild.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second chapter contains two major ideas. The first is Turner's defense and explanation of the appropriateness of anger. Turner thinks that society wrongly taught the people to repress and fear their emotions. Turner finds primal emotions to be necessary to our survival, as well as the survival of the wild. He explains that anger occurs when we defend something we love or something we feel is sacred. He reminds us to cherish our anger and use it to fuel rebellion. Turner criticizes the cowardice of modern environmentalists in the following passage: "The courage and resistance shown by the Navajos at Big Mountain, by Polish workers, by blacks in South Africa, and, most extraordinarily, by Chinese students in Tiananmen Square makes much of the environmental protest in America seem shallow and ineffective in

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American History X vs. Malcolm X

The movies American History X and Malcolm X both tackle critical social issues evident in the past as well as in the present. These issues revolve around race and culture, which is well related to issues like freedom, individuality, discrimination, and social acceptance. In both the films, these issues were not really highlighted at the very beginning. Both Malcolm X and American History X showed a socially negative start, like the involvement of Edward Norton in a White supremacist group, or Denzel Washington’s portrayal of Malcolm X’s criminal past.But despite this, the film rebounded on the positive light through the realizations of the main characters at some points in the film. These realizations or moments of truth were life changing experiences for Edward Norton and Denzel Washington, as they portray the turning points in the life of the characters that they play in their respective movies. In American History X, Edward Norton’s moments of truth occurred t o him when he was sent to prison, after murdering a black man who tried to rob him. At first, the murder wasn’t really a big deal to him, since his principles dictate that it was the right thing to do.As a white supremacist, he sees himself as a better person than the person he killed, and that his deed was that of good will. He was even grinning when he was arrested (Kaye). When he was sent to prison, he realized that life was not only black and white. He was able to see the wrongs of what he thought was right, and because of that, he slowly distanced himself from the brotherhood and the beliefs that he catered for a long time. He began associating with people from other races, though it was hard for him, as he had to suffer the harsh ways of the people he turned away from.Despite all these, he became a changed man, and eventually desired to live a better life with his brother. On the other hand, Denzel Washington had his moments of truth in the film Malcolm X, in the same m anner as that of Norton in American History X. During his youth, Denzel Washington lived a life of crime in the streets. He was a member of gangs which had dealings with illegal activities. He was arrested for robbery at one time, and was then sent to prison (Lee). It was the life in prison that changed him personally.He met a man who introduced him to the Nation of Islam, and also motivated him to move away from a life of vices and crime. He stopped drinking and smoking, and eventually succumb to the Islamic ways that was introduced to him. After prison, he continued to live a clean life, and opted to influence others of his newfound strength. He also realized that race should not be an issue in society. Both the films realized the truth through their experiences. It was not only based on the words or the influences of others, but also on the accompanying actions that they experienced.The lives they lived previously were not good at all, but it served as a comparison for them when they decided to live away from hatred and discrimination (Cyrus and Fiske-Rusciano). It was their experiences and acquaintances in prison that made them realize the truth about their lives. They shunned away discrimination, dominance, and hatred, and embraced a life of acceptance and freedom, despite the dire consequences that they faced at the end of the movie. The truth that they found proved to be very ironic in the end of the films.In American History X, Norton’s brother was shot dead by a black gang member. On the other hand, Malcolm X was assassinated before giving a speech for the masses. Despite these, the truth that they found was not at all fragile. If they decide to revert back to their old selves and exact revenge on those who did them wrong, the cycle of hatred would just continue. Norton realized this in a hard hitting manner. He had killed somebody before, now it is returned to him when his brother was killed. Malcolm X led a criminal life in his youth, and in the end, he was assassinated.The truth that they found was cemented by these events. There is a need for a social acceptance in order to stop the cycle of hatred and violence. This is the truth. Edward Norton and Denzel Washington learned this truth the hard way. Works Cited Cyrus, Virginia, and Roberta Fiske-Rusciano. Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. Third Edition ed: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2000. American History X. 1998. John Morrissey, October 23. Malcolm X. 1992. Preston L. Holmes, et al. , November 18.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intelligent Tutoring System For Primary School Students Education Essay

LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter will incorporate the reappraisal of literature of old research that is considered significance in the development of Intelligent Tutoring System for primary school pupils. 2.1 Problem Sphere Problem sphere is the country that needs to be examined to work out a job. In this undertaking, Intelligent Tutoring System is used in the sphere of instruction. Education is the field for larning and learning. It is the procedure where cognition is transferred and received. The intent to hold Intelligent Tutoring System for this undertaking is because to give an end product larning to the pupils particularly primary school pupils. Nowadays, instructors or pedagogues frequently face troubles to manage their pupils. It is because one instructor needs to provide many categories and each category will hold about 20 to 30 pupils. It is impossible to provide each pupil needs and penchant. Each pupil have their ain acquisition manner either they are good in listening, visualising, or making stuff at manus. Since the instructor is impossible to cognize each pupil larning manner, hence, there are demands for Intelligent Tutoring System that can provides a tutoring system that can find the pupils involvement so they will non holding jobs such as deficiency of apprehension and misconceptions. Besides that, the benefit of this tutoring system towards the instructor is the instructor will easy supervise the pupil ‘s public presentation and they will cognize the suited attack to cover with the pupil manners of acquisition. 2.1.1 Learning Manners Students learn in many ways such as by seeing and hearing, reflecting and moving, concluding logically and intuitively, memorising and besides visualising ( Felder, n.d. ) . Teaching and larning are different between each individual. It ‘s all depends on the persons itself. Everybody has larning manner strengths in which different people will hold different strengths ( Dunn, 1990 ) . In 1986, Marie et al. , as cited in ( Farwell, 2000 ) provided an analysis in which approximately 20 to 30 per centum of the school-aged pupils remembers what is heard, 40 per centum easy recalled what they have seen or read and the remainder were normally used both techniques which is they heard and visualise at the same clip. They have their ain manner that will assist them in larning. There are several different theories refering acquisition manners. Auditory, kinaesthetic and ocular are three types of cardinal acquisition manners ( Graham, n.d. ) . Below are the descriptions for each acquisition manners as cited in Graham ( n.d. ) and Farwall ( 2002 ) . Auditory Learners Childs who are audile learner normally prefer more on listening to account by reading them and sometimes they like to analyze by declaiming information aloud. Furthermore, audile scholar may love to environ with music while analyzing or they may necessitate a quiet infinite to analyze without diverted with any sounds. Auditory scholars learn successfully when the manner of giving information are being spoken and presented verbally. Ocular Learners â€Å" Show me and I will understand † is the keyword for ocular acquisition manner. It is a pattern to make new information by looking at something and visualise it. Normally, those people with this sort of larning manner can catch information presented in chart or graph, but they may foster impatiently listening to an account. Kinesthetic Learners Most of the school ‘s kids excel through kinaesthetic which means touching, feeling, and sing the stuff at manus. Learning activity such as scientific discipline lab, field trip, skit and many other activities are the best technique for kinaesthetic scholar. Most people use the combination of manner to acquire best acquisition manner for themselves. As for this undertaking, there are two larning manners covered which is the ocular and audile acquisition manners. This learning manners can be classify via some set of personality inquiries in which it will find the pupils country of acquisition manners. Intelligent Tutoring System will normally come across to several techniques such as Case Based Reasoning technique, Agents technique, Neural techniques, Neuro Fuzzy techniques, Track Analysis and many more. Below are other potencies techniques that can be used for this Intelligent Tutoring System ‘s undertaking despite the Agents technique. 2.1.2 Examples of utilizing Bayesian Networks for Learning Styles Detection Bayesian Networks is one technique that detects pupil ‘s acquisition manners in a web-based instruction system. In 2005, Garcia et al. , had proposed this technique to guarantee that all the pupils can larn even though they have different acquisition manners. Furthermore, Garcia et Al. ( 2005 ) , had besides stated that intelligent agent can used those information to gives the pupils personalized aid and present learning constituents that suit best harmonizing to pupil ‘s acquisition manners. Table 2.1 shows the dimensions of the acquisition manners. Detectors like particulars informations and testing ; intuitive prefer political orientation and theories. Detectors are digesting with item but do non like complications ; intuitive are uninterested by item and love complications. Table 2.1 Dimensions of Felder ‘s acquisition manners ( Beginning: Gracia et al. , ( 2005 ) ) A Bayesian Networks ( BN ) is a directed acyclic graph encodes the dependance relationships between a set of variables ( Pardalos, n.d. ) . It allows us to detect new cognition by uniting adept sphere cognition with statistical informations. In this BN, the nodes represent the different variables that determine a given acquisition manner. The arcs represent the relationships among the acquisition manner and the factor finding it. As shown in Figure 2.1, the theoretical account merely has the three dimensions of Felder ‘s model, perceptual experience, processing and apprehension. Figure 2.1 Bayesian Network patterning pupil ‘s acquisition manners. ( Beginning: Gracia et al. , ( 2005 ) ) The undermentioned sentences describe in item the different states the independent variables can take: Forum: station messages ; answers messages ; reads messages ; no engagement. Chat: participates ; listens ; no engagement. Mail: utilizations ; does non utilize. Information entree: in tantrums and starts ; sequential. Reading stuff: concrete ; abstract. Exam Revision ( considered in relation to the clip assigned to the test ) ; less than 10 % ; between 10 and 20 % ; more than 20 % . Exam Delivery Time ( considered in relation to the clip assigned to the test ) ; less than 50 % ; between 50 and 75 % ; more than 75 % Exercises ( in relation to the sum of exercisings proposed ) : many ( more than 75 % ) ; few ( between 25 and 75 % ) ; none Answer alterations ( in relation to the figure of inquiries or points in the test ) : many ( more than 50 % ) ; few ( between 20 and 50 % ) ; none. Entree to illustrations ( in relation to the figure of illustrations proposed ) : many ( more than 75 % ) ; few ( between 25 % and 75 % ) ; none Exam Consequences: high ( more than 7 in a 1-10 graduated table ) ; medium ( between 4 and 7 ) ; low ( below 4 ) . The chance maps associated with the independent nodes are bit by bit obtained by detecting the pupil interaction with the system. 30 Computer Science Engineering pupils have been interviewed to find the values by experimentation utilizing the ILS ( Index of larning manners ) questionnaire. Then, allow the pupils used the instruction system and recorded their interactions with the system. The information was used to find the parametric quantity of the BN. The Bayesian theoretical account is continuously updated as new information about the pupil ‘s interaction with the system is obtained. The chance maps are adjusted to demo the new observations or experiences. The chances reach equilibrium at certain point in the interaction. The chance values show a really little fluctuation as new information is entered. The values obtained at this point represent the pupil ‘s behaviour. This paper considered for each dimensions three values to do the consequences more comparable. For illustration, for the understanding dimension, it considered the values consecutive, impersonal and planetary. The per centum of happenstances is 100 % for the understanding dimension, 80 % for the perceptual experience dimension, and 80 % for the processing dimension. All information from this paper is cited from Gracia et Al, ( 2005 ) . 2.2 Technique In this undertaking, Intelligent Tutoring System is used to sort pupils larning manners. It used Numberss of regulations as the chief technique because it has the possible to give appropriate end product which is the acquisition manners for the pupils. Below are the descriptions of all techniques that will be used in this undertaking. 2.2.1 Intelligent Tutoring System An early lineation of Intelligent Tutoring System ( ITS ) demands was delivered by Hartley and Sleeman in 1973 ( Shute & A ; Psotka, n.d ) . As stated by Shute and Psotka, Hartley and Sleeman argued that ITS must possess cognition of the sphere ( adept theoretical account ) , cognition of the scholar ( student theoretical account ) , and cognition of learning schemes ( coach ) . Furthermore, in order for ITS to hold appropriate control schemes, it need to hold capturing environment of acquisition, effectivity of communicating and to hold flexible determinations. The ITS is a plan in which pupil can communicated through a sequence of natural linguistic communication inquiries and replies and the coach could both ask and reply inquiries and maintain path of ongoing duologue construction ( Corbett, Koedinger & A ; Anderson, 1997 ) . The authoritative ITS architecture consist of four constituents which are a undertaking environment, a sphere cognition faculty, a pupil theoretical account and pedagogical faculty. Figure 2.2 ITS architecture ( Beginning: Corbett, Koedinger & A ; Anderson, ( 1997 ) ) As cited in Corbett, Koedinger & A ; Anderson ( 1997 ) , pupils engage in job resolution environments and these actions are evaluated with regard to the sphere cognition constituents. Student ‘s cognition province is maintained based on the rating theoretical account. Finally, the pedagogical faculty delivers instructional actions based on the rating of pupil ‘s actions and on the pupil theoretical account. Advantages of ITS as described by Yousoof, Sapiyan & A ; Kamaludin ( 2002 ) , ITS is a systems that can supply considerable flexibleness in presentation of stuff and greater adaptability to react to idiosyncratic pupils need. It besides found to be extremely effectual in their intent. It has been proved by research that the pupils who tend to larn utilizing ITS really could larn fast when compared to the pupils utilizing traditional manner of instruction. Disadvantages of ITS as besides cited in Yousoof, Sapiyan & A ; Kamaludin ( 2002 ) , hazard issues affects the execution of ITS, unsuccessful ITS can do the barrier in execution of ITS, replacing of human coach will besides be a barrier in execution and broad spread of ITS will take topographic point in another five old ages. 2.2.2 Rule Based Expert System Expert system is a computing machine plan that uses cognition and illation process to work out job that are hard plenty to necessitate important human expert to work out for their solution ( Negnevitsky, 2002 ) . It is besides a computing machine plan in which it is able to execute at the degree of a human expert in a all right job country. The most popular expert systems is a regulation based expert system. It besides called as production regulations in which it contains IF-THEN statement. Structure of Rule Based Expert System A rule-based expert system has five constituents: the cognition base, the database, the illation engine, the account installations, and the user interface. Knowledge Base Database Inference Engine Explanation Facility User Interface User Figure 2.3 Basic Structure of Rule Based Expert System ( Beginning: Negnevitsky, ( 2002 ) ) The cognition base contains the sphere cognition utile for job resolution. In a rule-based expert system, the cognition is represented as a set of regulations. Each regulation specifies a relation, recommendation, directive, scheme or heuristic and has the IF ( status ) THEN ( action ) construction. When the status portion of a regulation is satisfied, the regulation is said to fire and the action portion is executed. The database includes a set of facts used to fit aligned with the IF ( status ) parts of regulations stored in the cognition base. The illation engine brings out the concluding whereby the expert system reaches a solution. It links the regulations given in the cognition base with the facts provided in the database. The account installations enable the user to inquire the expert system how a peculiar decision is reached and why a specific fact is needed. An adept system must be able to explicate its logical thinking and warrant its advice, analysis or decision. The user interface is the agencies of communicating between a user seeking a solution to the job and an expert system. The user is the 1 who will be used the system. User is besides the 1 that will seek for solution. Advantages of Rule Based Expert System Natural cognition representation. An expert normally explains the job work outing process with such looks as this: ‘in such-and-such state of affairs, I do so-and-so ‘ . These looks can be represented rather of course as IF-THEN production regulations. two. Uniform Structure. Production regulations have the unvarying IF-THEN construction. Each regulation is an independent piece of cognition. The really sentence structure of production regulations enables them to be self-documented. three. Separation of cognition from its processing. The construction of a rule-based expert system provides an effectual separation of the cognition base from the illation engine. This makes it possible to develop different applications utilizing the same expert system shell. It besides allows a graceful and easy enlargement of the expert system. To do the system smarter, a cognition applied scientist merely adds some regulations to the cognition base without step ining in the control construction. Disadvantages of Rule Based Expert System Opaque dealingss between regulations Although the single production regulations tend to be comparatively simple and self-documented, their logical interactions within the big set of regulations may be opaque. Rule-based systems make it hard to detect how single regulations serve the overall scheme. This job is related to the deficiency of hierarchal cognition representation in regulation based expert systems. two. Ineffective hunt scheme The illation engine applies an thorough hunt through all the production regulations during each rhythm. Adept systems with a big set of regulations ( over 100 regulations ) can be slow, and therefore big rule-based systems can be unsuitable for real-time applications. Inability to larn In general, rule-based expert systems do non hold an ability to larn from the experience. Unlike a human expert, who knows when to ‘break the regulations ‘ , an expert system can non automatically modify its cognition base, or adjust bing regulations or add new 1s. The cognition applied scientist is still responsible for revising and keeping the system. All information for Rule Based Expert System is cited from Negnevitsky ( 2002 ) . 2.2.3 Intelligent Agent An agent is anything that can be viewed as comprehending its environment through detectors and moving upon that environment through effecters ( Rusell & A ; Norvig, 1995 ) . Presently, agents are the point of involvement on the portion of many countries of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Harmonizing to Jennings & A ; Wooldridge ( n.d. ) , an intelligent agent is a computing machine plan that is able to execute immediate response in order to run into its design aims. Flexible here means that the systems must be antiphonal in which agents should separate their environments and react in a timely to alterations that occur in it. Agents should besides be proactive whereby they should be able to exhibit chances, purposive behaviour, and take the enterprise where appropriate. Finally, agents should be societal in which agents should be interrelate when they comfortable with other Artificial Agents and worlds in order to finish their ain job resolution and to assist others with their activities. Advantages of utilizing Intelligent Agent are because agents represent a powerful tool for doing system more flexible. Agents should act like an ‘expert helper ‘ with regard to some application, knowing about both the application and the user, and capable of moving with user in order to accomplish the user ‘s ends. Agents are besides good in bettering the efficiency of Software Development. The restrictions or the disadvantages of utilizing agent as discussed by Jennings & A ; Wooldridge ( n.d. ) are: – No overall system accountant An agent-based solution may non be suited for spheres in which planetary restraints have to be maintained, domains where a real-time response must be guaranteed, or in spheres in which dead ends or unrecorded locks must be avoided. No planetary position Agents may do globally sub-optimal determinations since in about any realistic agent system ; complete planetary cognition is non a possibility. An agent ‘s action are by definition determined by that agent ‘s local province. Trust and deputation Users have to derive assurance in the agents that work on their behalf, and this procedure can take some clip. During this period of clip, the agent must strike a balance between continually seeking counsel ( and needlessly deflecting the user ) and ne'er seeking counsel ( an transcending its authorization ) . An agent must cognize its restrictions. 2.2.4 Multiagent System As stated by Capuano et Al. ( n.d. ) , multiagent system ( MAS ) can be defined as loosely-coupled webs of pass oning and collaborating agents working together to work out jobs that are in front of their single capablenesss. In order to obtain consistent system behaviour, single agents in a multiagent system are non merely able to portion knowledge about jobs and solutions, but besides to ground about the procedures of coordination among other agents ( Capuano et al. , n.d. ) . The thought of multiagent system is that an agent is a computing machine plan that has capableness to execute independent action on behalf of its proprietor or user. In add-on, agent can calculate out for itself what it needs to make in order to fulfill its design aims. A multiagent system is one that consists of figure of agents, which interact with another, typically by interchanging messages through some computing machine substructure ( Wooldridge, 2002 ) . In order to successfully interact, these agents will therefore necessitate the ability to collaborate, co-ordinate and negotiate with each other. 2.2.5 Distributed Case Based Reasoning Case Based Reasoning ( CBR ) is another technique that is widely used in Intelligent Tutoring System and in the field of instruction so. As proposed by Rishi et Al. ( 2007 ) , they combine both technique which are CBR and agent technique to supply pupil patterning for online acquisition in a distributed environment with the aid of agents. In this paper, it focused more on Case Based Distributed Student Modeling ( agent based ) ITS architecture to back up student-centred, self-paced, and extremely synergistic acquisition. The first measure is to construct the effectual acquisition environment which is the CBR where the system maintains a complete and full set of instances ( scenarios ) of pupil ‘s acquisition form and employs an efficient and flexible instance retrieval system. The system as cited in Rishi et Al. ( 2007 ) must used the pupil ‘s larning profile such as larning manner and background cognition in selecting, forming and showing the larning stuff to back up instance based acquisition. As Rishi et Al. ( 2007 ) cited from Yi Shang et Al. ( 2001 ) and Kumar ( 2005 ) , Distributed CBR based pupil patterning enables adaptative bringing of educational contents and facilitates automatic rating of larning results. This system consists of three agents with different expertness. The first agent which is personal agent will concentrate on pupil profiler which include cognition background, larning manner, involvements, class enrolled etc. The other two agents communicated with each other through different communicating channel which situated in distributed environments are learning agent and class agent. Figure 2.4 show the communicating theoretical account among agents. Figure 2.4 Communication theoretical account among agents ( Beginning: Rishi et Al. ( 2007 ) ) Furthermore, the undermentioned activities as shown in figure 2.5 return topographic point during the pupil patterning when the pupil interacts with the system as such, choice of subject by the pupil and acquire to cognize pupil ‘s background by showing jobs to the pupil, analysing the pupil ‘s response by the system, choice of instance by the system based on response, version of the instance by the system, accomplishing the cognition constituent of the pupil theoretical account through instance retrieval, coevals of learning scheme by the system and showing the following job to the pupil. Figure 2.5 Procedure of Student Modeling ( Beginning: Rishi et Al. ( 2007 ) ) Finally, this system is to the full distributed in which it does non bounded with any web topology, it reduces the demand of big storage infinites at the user ‘s site to hive away all the instances and redundancy is maintained for mistake tolerance. The whole system is managed in the distributed environment with merely three agents which are Personal Agent, Teaching Agent and Course Agent. 2.2.6 Path Analysis Learning indexs is the manner of working and analysing the paths and supplying cognition on the activities ( Bousbia et al. , n.d. ) . This will assist instructors to comprehend and construe the scholar ‘s activities in e-learning state of affairss. As in figure 2.5 this paper by Bousbia et Al. ( n.d. ) considers three stairss in the analysis. The first 1 is index ‘s pick. The first measure is fundamentally to steer the aggregation procedure. It helps the instructor to take high degree indexs in which the instructor intends to seek from the indexs base. It will so inquire the instructor to supply extra informations required for their computations. The following measure is observation. In this phase, the system identified the necessary paths extracted through a aggregation tool which installed on the learner side. This tool has specific history such as visited pages URLs, clip and actions. Finally, the analysis and interpretation measure. This is the most of import measure in which it divided into three chief phases which are shoping way rebuilding, indexs ‘ computation and learning manner tax write-off. Figure 2.6 Learning Style Deduction Steps ( Beginning: Bousbia et Al. ( n.d. ) ) There will be three beds remain which are educational penchant bed, larning procedure bed and cognitive abilities bed. The first bed includes properties related to the preferable acquisition clip, environment penchant, information representations and encoding methods. The 2nd bed includes larning scheme, comprehension and patterned advance attack. For the last bed, it includes motive and concentration capacity. The learning manner can be determined by ciphering the value of each bed ‘s property. By utilizing the necessary high degree indexs, the value is deduced. Furthermore, to link the indexs to the acquisition manners, Bousbia et Al. ( n.d. ) sort them harmonizing to theoretical account beds. The possible values of each bed ‘s property are chosen from the bing acquisition manner theoretical accounts, by doing their definitions closer. 2.3 Related Plants Related plants are plants from other research workers which have related to this undertaking or possibly the same technique used but in different field or sphere. Intelligent Tutoring System and some other techniques is the chief focused in this research to compare and distinguish sphere and techniques with other undertakings. 2.3.1 Intelligent Agent in E-commerce Ecommerce or e-commerce is the ability and accomplishment of selling merchandises or services over the Internet ( Ward, 2010 ) . As discussed by Pivk & A ; Gams ( n.d. ) in their article on Intelligent Agent in E-commerce, the article discussed on appraisal of agent engineerings which involved in purchasing and selling. Several agent-mediated electronic commercialism systems are analyzed in the position of a general theoretical account of the purchasing procedure. E-commerce involves business-to-business ( B2B ) , business-to-customer ( B2C ) and customer-to-customer ( C2C ) minutess. It encounters a broad scope of issues such as security, trust, electronic merchandise, catalogues and many more. Intelligent agent can be used or applied to any of these. Pivk & A ; Gams ( n.d. ) had given illustrations on the use of agent in ecommerce such as Tete-a-Tete ( T @ T ) . For illustrations in Figure 2.7, a shopping agent may have proposals from multiple gross revenues agents. Each proposal defines a complete merchandise offering including a merchandise constellation, monetary value and the merchandiser ‘s value-added services. The shopping agent evaluates and order these proposals based on how good they satisfy its proprietor ‘s penchants. If the shopper is non satisfied, he can review them along one or more dimensions. User shopping agent broadcasts this penchant changes to the gross revenues agents in which, in bend, utilize them to counter-propose better merchandise offering. Figure 2.7 Consumer-owned shopping agents integrative negotiate with multiple merchant-owned gross revenues agents. ( Beginning: Pivk & A ; Gams ( n.d. ) ) 2.3.2 Intelligent Agent Based Graphic User Interface ( GUI ) for e-Physician This paper is proposed by Jung, Thapa & A ; Wang ( 2007 ) . It is all about the attack of utilizing ontology based intelligent interface agent that will help the doctor to get on-line entree interface to patient ‘s chart, fast rescheduling such as exigency instance, easy entree to research lab consequences and cut downing overall cost because of optimal use of clip. In this paper, medical homecare system model is designed in real-time environment. There are four types of agents that are used in this system which are Interface Agent, Admin Agent, Laboratory Agent, Diagnosis Agent and Schedule Agent as in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8 Conceptual Framework of Intelligent Agent Based user interface ( Beginning: Jung, Thapa & A ; Wang ( 2007 ) ) As cited from Jung, Thapa & A ; Wang ( 2007 ) , interface agent is the agent that will interact with the user and will work as an information filtering agent and choose the most critical instance per precedence. On the other manus, research lab agent will be able to supply the item scrutiny study from the research lab database. Furthermore, diagnosing agent will assist the interface agent to propose proper diagnosing by utilizing determination devising regulations. In add-on, administrative agent will supply pre-historic diagnosing tendency of the patient and eventually schedule agent will assist in fixing patient ‘s chart, programming, and fat rescheduling of the program on footing precedence. Those agents will assist in the development of the system and will give user ‘s concluding control for optimisation of their best Graphical user interface. 2.3.3 Intelligent Agent in Computer Games Games are the practical universes that are more traceable than existent universe. It is besides something that can be controlled, formal, and mensurable, supply realistic and important challenge ( Mikkulainen, n.d. ) . Intelligent agents can be deployed in games today. As cited in Lent et Al. ( n.d. ) , they discussed on the usage of intelligent agent in the games called Soar. It make the growing of intelligent agents for games easier by giving common illation engine and reclaimable cognition base that can be merely applied in many different games. Soar allows easy decomposition of the agent ‘s action through hierarchy of operation. It used Quake II and Descent 3 agents in which both have the functionality in the games such as winging in a starship without gravitation, onslaught, explore and many more. Furthermore, Soar invariably cycles through perceive in which it accept sensor information from the game, think ( choice and execute relevant cognition ) and Act ( Execute internal and external actions ) . Interface is another of import portion in developing games since the interface extracts the necessary information from the game and encodes it into the format required in Soar. 2.3.4 Nervous Network-based Fuzzy Modeling of the Student in ITS This paper is utilizing empirical attack that use the neuro-fuzzy synergy to measure the pupils in the context of an ITS is presented. Stathacopoulou, Magoulas & A ; Grigoriadou ( n.d. ) stated that fuzzed logic techniques is widely used in ITS since it have the ability to manage imprecise information such as pupil ‘s actions and to supply human descriptions of cognition and of pupil ‘s cognitive abilities. In this paper, fuzzed logic is used to supply human-like approximative diagnosing of pupil ‘s cognition and cognitive abilities and Neural Network is used to trained human instructor ‘s determinations sing pupil ‘s features and fixed weight Neural Network are used to measure and aggregate rank map. The neuro-fuzzy theoretical account has been tested in natural philosophies domain to measure pupil ‘s features for make up one's minding about the appropriate instruction scheme. Experiments have been performed by Stathacopoulou, Magoulas & A ; Grigoriadou ( n.d. ) utilizing a population of 300 fake pupil instances with the determinations of 5 instructors. The overall mean categorization success has been 95 % . As decision, rating of pupils depends on interior decorator ‘s ability to analyse the cognitive sphere appropriately, define fuzzed sets and associate the pupil response with suited cognition and cognitive features. 2.3.5 FlexiTrainer: A Ocular Authoring Framework for Case-Based Intelligent Tutoring System FlexiTrainer is an authoring model that allowed the fast fleet design of didactically rich and performance-oriented acquisition environments with tradition content and tutoring schemes ( Ramachandran, Remolina & A ; Fu ( n.d. ) ) . This authoring tool specifies a dynamic behaviour of tutoring agents that interact to present direction. FlexiTrainer has been used to develop an ITS for preparation chopper pilots in winging accomplishments. FlexiTrainer consists of two constituents which are the authoring tools and the everyday engine. Core constituent for FlexiTrainer are Task-Skill-Principle Editor, Exercise Editor, Student Model Editor, and Tutor Behavior Editor. Each of these editors has their ain specific functionality. An instructional agent is used to transport out teaching-elated to accomplish instructional ends. It used Bayesian illation to integrate pupil patterning schemes. 2.3.6 Intelligent Tutoring System utilizing Hybrid Expert System with Speech Model in Neural Networks This paper used supervised larning nervous webs to successful rate. Besides being more information bringing systems, this system aid pupils to actively build cognition. This paper by Venkatesh, Naganathan & A ; Maheswari ( 2010 ) enable learning system to be developed in assorted Fieldss and topics. Nervous Model in this system is used for Question Answering System. As shown in Figure 2.9, input bed contains the inquiries on the wanted topics. Both possible inquiries and replies are stored in the coveted end product. Figure 2.9: Nervous Network Architecture ( Beginning: Venkatesh, Naganathan & A ; Maheswari, ( 2010 ) ) On the other manus, address theoretical account consists of linguistic communication extraction ( includes categories such as noun, verb, operator, pronoun and many more ) , speech act classifier ( tutor uses strings of words and punctuation to sort each part of the scholar into speech act units ) , file direction ( used as marker for the lector ‘s manner reply which communicated with ITS faculty ) and manners ( choice individual to be communicated with the ITS either pupil, lector or admin ) . This system non merely cut down development times but besides appreciably simplifies the proficient cognition required of forces involved in the coevals of an auto-regulated intelligent tutoring duologue system ( Venkatesh, Naganathan & A ; Maheswari ( 2010 ) ) . 2.4 Drumhead There are many ways in developing Intelligent Tutoring System as mentioned above. Each technique used has its ain strengths and failings. In this undertaking, Rule-based is used since it gives more impact and significance to the paradigm. The following chapter will demo the research model on the methodological analysis for developing this paradigm.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

F.D.R. essays

F.D.R. essays Looking back on Depression-era America and its two most prominent leaders, it is imperative that neither one be characterized solely as an extreme liberal or extreme conservative. Rather, if the actions and achievements of each leader are observed with an unbiased eye, one will see that Roosevelt was primarily a liberal with the necessary touch of conservatism, and Hoover was primarily a conservative with a slight bit of liberalism. It is important to understand that the time period both Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt presided over was one which consisted of grave economic turmoil and widespread poverty for the American people caused by a bevy of internal and external factors, some of which couldve been remedied by extraordinary leadership. It is because of the immensely difficult problems America was experiencing at the time that in hindsight such scrutiny is placed upon the motives and political philosophies held by both FDR and Herbert Hoover. To find out how and a why a leader reacts to adversity when his country needs him most may perhaps prove the worth and greatness of that leader. Proof of Herbert Hoovers status as a staunch conservative lies in the fact that he maintained a strong resolve to adhere to traditional methods of restoring the economy during the Depression. In document B, Hoover expounds on his plan and outlook for dealing with the dire economic situation. Overall, Hoover distances himself from pledging to make any drastic changes. He condemns the usage of emergency legislative or executive action as a means by which to relieve the Depressions symptoms. Often referred to as a rugged individualist, Hoover was determined to use the established practice of free enterprise and fairly uninhibited capitalism to regain prosperity in the U.S. since these methods worked well in the past. It was his unwavering belief in free enterprise that discouraged hi...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Write a School Essay

How to Write a School Essay The word ‘Essay is derived from the old French word ‘essai meaning attempt. An essay is an attempt or effort at writing something about or on something. Essay is an ordered compilation of thoughts about literary tasks adequately written and efficiently presented. In other words, the essay must be well prepared and presented in a way that the reader finds easy to pursue and clear. Essay has to look neat and not present any obstacles. Essay must have an understandable clear attractive approach. But, most of all, an essay must consist of writers thoughts about literary texts. Some essay writing tips will surely help answer  questions like: How to write a school essay? and How to write a good school essay?. The school essay has in general three portions, Introduction, Main body and Conclusion: In introduction we in general introduce the significant issue on which we want to write the school essay along with the focuses on certain parts on the subject we also deal with the general detail about the subject of the essay in the first paragraph. In the main body write some paragraphs about the subject of the school essay. You may write one or more paragraphs about each main point. Write about some points only. Try to discuss the predominant issue in your school essay. You may write some paragraphs in favor of the subject and some against it, but only if the subject or topic permits. The main body of the essay can be taken as a soul of the essay it includes all the points which were introduced in the essay with less detail in the introduction part of the school essay. The main body of the school essay in general deals with all the points of the essay so it is no doubt the most informative and the comprehensive part of the essay. In the last paragraph write something as a conclusion. The conclusion stated in the school essay should be the ones own idea about the issue it must deal with that what one feels about the overall topic what are the arguments in the favour of the essay and what are the arguments that are running against them. You may write something general about the subject assuming the main body. In the essay sequence of essay and grammar, and spellings should be used in a right way. Use of phrases can make a school essay more efficient. To write a school essay on any topic you should follow the instructions above and bear in mind that only creativity, imagination and good essay writing skills will turn your essay into masterpiece.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Essential Tips for a KILLER LinkedIn Summary

5 Essential Tips for a KILLER LinkedIn Summary Many of you might have heard that LinkedIn profiles are about to undergo another facelift. Rumor amongst career professionals has is that the new profile will highlight the Summary section in a new way- making it more important than ever to have a compelling Summary to offer your readers. One of the most popular services The Essay Expert offers is writing the LinkedIn Profile Summary. We love interviewing people and writing copy for them; but you can also do it yourself if you are a good writer and know the message you want to get across. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, some tips for writing a great LinkedIn Summary might come in handy! Well, you’re in luck. CareerCast published one of my articles that provides five tips for a KILLER LinkedIn Summary; and although I agreed not to post the entire article on my own blog, I wanted to share the link with you. Here it is! 5 Essential Tips for a KILLER LinkedIn Summary As a preview, the tips are: Never leave the Summary section blank! Use all 2,000 characters. Tell stories. Break it up (graphically). Include your contact information [NOTE: I no longer suggest doing this unless you have space to spare, since the Contact Information section has recently been made more prominent.] I will likely write a sequel to this article soon, so please take a look at the first one and stay tuned for more useful advice! For samples of The Essay Expert’s LinkedIn Summary statements, see our LinkedIn Profile Samples. And if you are looking for a professional LinkedIn Profile Writing service, please visit our LinkedIn Profile Writing page to learn more about our services and rates. Do you have more ideas about how to write a KILLER LinkedIn Summary? Please share below†¦ you might even get quoted in my next article!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MF Global Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MF Global - Research Paper Example The executives by the end of that month made it official that over 700 million USD had been transferred. They, however, could not pay back this capital with their revenue making it plummet into more debt. At the end of the liquidation period, customers of MF Global made losses that totalled over 1.6 billion dollars, and a majority have not received their funds till today. Difference between conducting fraud and financial audit Audits are done to ensure the smooth running of operations. They may be done after some time as per the organization’s request, as in the case of financial auditing. Furthermore, they may be arbitrary and without warning, as in the case of fraud auditing. There are different types of audits, carried out for different purposes. There are reasons that surround each of these audits. One main reason is the accuracy of financial information in the organization. This is one reason why financial audits are carried out, and they can be done by a qualified, indep endent party or government unit. Fraud auditing is often done to discover some of the hidden figures in the financial data of an organization (Hagan, 2012). This means that, outside parties may be brought in to conduct a fraud audit, but internal auditors of an organization may be responsible for financial auditing. ... If there is the confirmation of fraud, serious legal ramifications may result (Hagan, 2012). There must be a level of responsibility for the auditing firm in both cases. If there are any financial discrepancies in the financial departments or operations, it is up to them to disclose this information. This may lead to the saving of capital that would have otherwise been lost in data. Fraud auditing may need a little more time and effort to identify what information may be missing that is crucial in the financial docket. A code of ethics needs to guide all the parties involved to ensure their tasks are carried out accordingly. The obligation of corporate CEOs to shareholders and employees about the firm’s financial activity The growth of an organization means that the CEO may have a daunting task of keeping an eye on everything that goes on in the firm. They must delegate some of the duties to subordinates. This helps in ensuring that there is a chain of command that is followed before getting to the top. However, they may not have full control over what subordinates may do, so it is up to them to ensure all matters relating to the financial sectors of the firm are reported directly to them. The shareholders of the organization are the most crucial part of the firm. CEO’s should be the voice of the organization and any financial activity going on should be reported to the people involved (Hagan, 2012). The CEO needs to tell the shareholders of the people in charge of the activities, and what they need to do if they have any complaints or suggestions. As CEO, it is one’s job to understand what goes on in the firm in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Does the ultra vires doctrine provide the best justification for Essay

Does the ultra vires doctrine provide the best justification for judicial review in the British constitution - Essay Example Accordingly, the preservation of separation of powers is essential as a check on autocratic power. As such, the doctrine of ultra vires is theoretically vital in serving as a testament to the independence of the judiciary in its role under the fundamental constitutional separation of powers in ensuring that public bodies, such as government departments, local authorities, tribunals, agencies have not acted ultra vires5. Moreover, the ultra vires doctrine is cited as the first principle of natural justice and the rule of law that public bodies are required to act within the scope of the powers allocated to them by Parliament6. The incorporation of the European Convention of the Human Rights (implemented through the Human Rights Act 1998) further requires judicial review to ensure that public authorities do not â€Å"act in a way which is incompatible with a convention right7†. Indeed, Doctor Yardley asserts that judicial review is â€Å"the ultimate safeguard for the ordinary citizen against unlawful action by †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.the more powerful administration8†. Alternatively it has been argued that the ultra vires doctrine is inherently limited by enabling a process by which courts scrutinise and consider the validity of the manner in which public authorities have made a decision9. The essence of judicial review is to ensure that public authorities act appropriately in exercising their duty10 regardless of the merits of the decision, which in itself begs the question as to the efficacy of the judiciary’s role under the separation of powers to truly act as a curb on the legitimacy of abuses of power by the executive11. This is further compounded by the fact that the judiciary has evolved and expanded the parameters of the ultra vires doctrine on an ad hoc basis in order to circumvent the inherent limitations of judicial review12.

Global Business Environment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global Business Environment - Term Paper Example most popular brands of the global beverage industry belong to Coca-Cola company: ‘Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Dasani, Powerade, Schweppes, Fuze Tea and so on’ (Coca-Cola, Organizational Website, Our Company, Brands). In other words, all products of Coca-Cola are refreshment drinks being differentiated as of their ingredients. Coca-Cola has published a Code of Conduct on which the activities of the firm in the global market are based. Among the issues addressed in the particular Code emphasis should be given to three, being considered as having a critical role in business success: ‘Anti-Bribery, Dealing with Customers, Suppliers and Consumers and Dealing with Competitors’ (Coca-Cola, Code of Conduct, p.1). These issues have been chosen for the following reasons: a) Anti-Bribery reflects the opposition of the company to any attempt for securing the support of the government by offering money or other benefits, such as the use of the company’s assets and so on; Bribery is a severe problem for business activities worldwide; the response of the company to this phenomenon should be reviewed in order to understand whether Coca-Cola promotes the respect of its Code of Conduct in practice or not, b) Stakeholders, especially Customers and Suppliers, are of high value for the success of a busine ss; if the interests of stakeholders are not adequately addressed by a firm, then this firm’s profits would be threatened, c) Competition; many firms worldwide have been accused that their success has been resulted because of the violation of the laws related to Competition; it would be important to check the response of Coca-Cola to this issue in order to understand whether the firm’s success has been favored by unethical practices or not. In Nestle’s Code of Conduct the treatment by the firm of its Customers, Suppliers and Consumers is explained in Section No.7 where the alignment of the firm’s activities with the rules of Competition is also explained (Nestle, Code of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Causal Arument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Causal Arument - Essay Example Some states legally allowed the use of marijuana for some diseases for which the doctors prescribed it as a medicine whereas some other states are still not allowing even the patients to use or keep marijuana under their possession. However, according to medical experts, marijuana use should not be encouraged because of the side effects it can generate later in the user’s life. â€Å"To date, marijuana is still classified as an illegal Schedule 1 drug by the Controlled Substances Act. It is defined as having "no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States" (Roth). American Federal courts are still convinced about the usefulness of marijuana. For them, marijuana is still an addictive and dangerous substance which can damage a person physically and psychologically. Spice, a herbal smoking mixture, is sold on the internet and in some shops in America labeled as legal and nicotine-free smoke. Many people in America are using Spice at present as a substitute to Marijuan a. However, scientific studies shown that Spice is also harmful to human health. Professor Leslie Iversen, chairman of the technical committee of the Advisory Council, said: â€Å"It is a very clever product, sold as a herbal smoking mixture from China, but containing chemicals which can be a lot more potent than cannabis† (Ford). This paper analyses the Spice as legal alternative to marijuana. Cannabis has been used for relaxation and meditation purposes for many thousands of years, and studies carried out today tell us the number of users is rising. Young people especially seem to be attracted to experimenting with mind-altering drugs, such as cannabis, and this can result in abuse, addiction, mental health problems, and prosecution. While cannabis itself is not physically addictive it can be dangerous for those with mental health issues and is often supplied by dealers who also have access to harder, highly addictive drugs (Casundara) â€Å"Herbs or blends of herbs that o ne can smoke as alternatives to marijuana or tobacco- The term marijuana alternatives mean just that. It does not mean we are offering legal marijuana or a marijuana substitute† (Legal Alternatives To Marijuana And Tobacco). Many people who are using Spice like alternate products instead of Marijuana have feeling that these products are less harmful than marijuana and it is legal to use these products in America. In fact Spice like substitute products for marijuana has not been prohibited in America yet and hence no criminal cases can be charged against such users. However, it doesn’t mean that these substitute products are less harmful or superior to marijuana. The only advantage of using spice like alternate product is that the user can escape from any kind of legal formalities in using it. According to a shop owner, â€Å"the demand for spice has doubled each month, and its sales now represent a third of his revenue. On some Fridays, his two District stores can brin g in $10,000 from the sale of spice alone†(Savage). The growing popularity of Spice over marijuana can be attributed mainly to the fewer barriers in getting it in America. No drug screening tests can detect Spice which made it one of the favorite substitutes for marijuana. Many of the Spice users believe that it is less harmful. However, â€Å"Nationwide, the American Association of Poison Control Centers logged 567 cases across 41 states in which people had suffered a bad reaction to spice during the first half of 2010. Just 13 cases were reported in 2009†

Consideration - Pre-existing Duties and Part Payment of Debts Essay

Consideration - Pre-existing Duties and Part Payment of Debts - Essay Example The facts of the case were that a borrower, Cole, owed Pinnel [the lender] the equivalent of  £8.50 [ £8-10s-0d] which was to be repaid on 11 November. At the lender’s request, the borrower paid  £5.11 [ £5-2s-2d] on 1 October, which the lender claimed to accept in full settlement of the debt.    The lender then successfully sued the borrower for the outstanding amount.   The House of Lords held that since no consideration was exchanged to enforce the promise of the lender to accept part-payment of a debt on the due date from the borrower, then the lender could pursue full payment of the debt at a later date. This remains the general rule at common law.   However, in Pinnel’s Case, it was also said that the agreement to accept part payment would have bound the lender if fresh consideration had been provided to show accord and satisfaction.   This might be: The facts of the case were that a borrower, Cole, owed Pinnel [the lender] the equivalent of  £8. 50 which was to be repaid on 11 November. At the lender’s request, the borrower paid  £5.11 [ £5-2s-2d] on 1 October, which the lender claimed to accept in full settlement of the debt.    The lender then successfully sued the borrower for the outstanding amount.   The House of Lords held that since no consideration was exchanged to enforce the promise of the lender to accept part-payment of a debt on the due date from the borrower, then the lender could pursue full payment of the debt at a later date.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Last Mountain Movie (Mountain top removal) Essay

The Last Mountain Movie (Mountain top removal) - Essay Example The process results in both air and water pollution, which is not just local but also has the potential to spread across states. Huge amounts of coal sludge is generated, which when spilled, pollute local rivers. Local wells and springs are contaminated with heavy metals. Moreover, freshwater fish from water bodies around such locations are unsafe for consumption due to the risk of mercury poising. The process also damages the homes of local residents by causing floods as the natural drains such as waterways and streams have been buried in the process. The process also results in the depletion of forest cover, which would have otherwise existed on the mountains. The use of explosives for blasting the mountain tops leaves behind vast amounts of toxic wastes, and the resultant rubble along with silica dust or fly ash often finds its way into people’s homes as the wastes are dumped down the valley. Thus, the ecological balance and safety of the local environment is affected in a very adverse way. The local people have been affected in terms of both health and economy. The pollution caused during the process of mountain top removal and coal mining results in innumerable adverse effects on human health. Common health complications include brain damage, breathing disorders and cancers. As pointed out in Bill Haney’s The Last Mountain, every year in the US, emissions from the coal plants result in more than 10 million cases of asthma, 600,000 cases of brain damage in newborn children, apart from 43,000 premature deaths. Brain tumors and autism are common in such localities. The homes of the local residents undergo destruction because of flooding and rubble dumped into the valley. A large number of people lose their jobs due to increasing mechanization of coal mining. As big coal companies have replaced manual labor and jobs with machines, the number of local jobs has been brought down significantly.

Consideration - Pre-existing Duties and Part Payment of Debts Essay

Consideration - Pre-existing Duties and Part Payment of Debts - Essay Example The facts of the case were that a borrower, Cole, owed Pinnel [the lender] the equivalent of  £8.50 [ £8-10s-0d] which was to be repaid on 11 November. At the lender’s request, the borrower paid  £5.11 [ £5-2s-2d] on 1 October, which the lender claimed to accept in full settlement of the debt.    The lender then successfully sued the borrower for the outstanding amount.   The House of Lords held that since no consideration was exchanged to enforce the promise of the lender to accept part-payment of a debt on the due date from the borrower, then the lender could pursue full payment of the debt at a later date. This remains the general rule at common law.   However, in Pinnel’s Case, it was also said that the agreement to accept part payment would have bound the lender if fresh consideration had been provided to show accord and satisfaction.   This might be: The facts of the case were that a borrower, Cole, owed Pinnel [the lender] the equivalent of  £8. 50 which was to be repaid on 11 November. At the lender’s request, the borrower paid  £5.11 [ £5-2s-2d] on 1 October, which the lender claimed to accept in full settlement of the debt.    The lender then successfully sued the borrower for the outstanding amount.   The House of Lords held that since no consideration was exchanged to enforce the promise of the lender to accept part-payment of a debt on the due date from the borrower, then the lender could pursue full payment of the debt at a later date.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Environmental Analysis Essay Example for Free

Environmental Analysis Essay Landfill gas is generated during the decomposition of organic substances in municipal and industrial wastes. Since it is made up of powerful greenhouse gases, primarily methane gas and carbon dioxide, the prevention of escape to atmosphere is desirable and has the added benefit of being utilised as a renewable energy source (Clarke Energy, 2014). One such company focussed on dealing with this issue is Landfill Gas Industries Pty Ltd (L.G.I. Pty Ltd) they are ‘a specialist designer, supplier, installer, and operator of systems that capture, extract and burn gas produced in landfills’ (L. G.I. Pty Ltd, 2014). L.G.I. Pty Ltd has several opportunities that could impact the company’s operations in Australia, such as government regulation, the number of councils and landfills available and the fact that all landfills require a solution to the landfill gas problem. However L.G.I. Pty Ltd also has several threats potentially impacting its operations, for example from large energy generators, large waste companies and opposition to landfill gas. With the continuing pace of global environmental awareness and a general growing consensus about the potential damage of greenhouse gases, the Australian Government may introduction legislation and associated taxation such as the use of carbon credits that are designed punish landfill owners with unabated gas emissions (Department of the Environment, 2011). A company such as L.G.I. Pty Ltd is well placed to install systems that can reduce these emissions and in turn reduce the financial penalties of operating a landfill, many of which are run by local councils and therefore paid for directly by ratepayers. With 565 local government councils in Australia (The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, 2014) and each with a need to process its residents’ garbage, many of which themselves operate landfill sites and/or have legacy landfills within their boundaries. Whilst the market has a finite limit there is considerable appeal for councils to adapt such technologies at their landfills and has the potential to generate ‘huge savings for [councils] and the environment’ (Landfill Gas Pty Ltd, 2008). L.G.I. Pty Ltd is committed to take advantage of councils’ needs by having ‘developed successful landfill gas installations on sites of all scales across Australia’ (Landfill Gas Industries Pty Ltd, 2014). Wherever there is a landfill, there is potential dangers aside from the environmental concerns unless mitigation techniques are employed, such as the risk of fire and explosion which for example  occurred in Loscoe, England in 1986 when a nearby house was destroyed (Danish EPA, 2001). There is also the potential of gas migration to occur below the surface and in turn contaminate the groundwater (Environment Protection Authority, 2008). If a landfill site is not suitable for electricity production, gas mitigation is nonetheless desired for safety and hygiene reasons. L.G.I. Pty Ltd ‘manufactures and installs its own range of state of the art flares’ (Landfill Gas Industries Pty Ltd, 2014) allowing the flammable gases to be safely burnt off. Therefore all current and legacy landfill sites are potential business for L.G.I. Pty Ltd The first major threat to L.G.I. Pty Ltd comes from existing large energy generators, such as AGL, Origin and Energy Australia, these 3 companies have a combined market share of over 60% of the energy sector (IBISWorld, 2014). As these companies have the need to supply electricity to their customers they have the desire to source viable and sustainable generation methods, AGL for example already ‘owns and operates several renewable landfill gas and biogas (sewage) generation facilities across Australia’ (AGL, 2014). If these companies decide to expand in this sector and compete for this resource, they could undermine L.G.I. Pty Ltd’s potential simply by means of more efficient access to financial capital required to setup and by the greater potential political bargaining power they possess such as when competing for tenders. Such as with large energy generators, large waste companies also pose a potential threat for L.G.I. Pty Ltd. Many councils utilise outsourced waste collection, processing, recycling and landfill operators to fulfil their needs. Operators such as Veolia and Sita which operate landfills as part of their business must ‘manage odour across [their] landfills in accordance with the Environmental Protection Licence’ (Sita, 2014). These operators have their own equipment and methods for gas mitigation and therefore pose a threat to L.G.I. Pty Ltd if more councils outsource their waste needs to private companies, they in turn aside from environmental requirements have a commercial obligation to seek profit. There is nonetheless opposition to companies that seek to turn landfill gas into electricity, for several reasons such as its relative high costs, local air pollution but namely it suggests that it is acceptable to dump waste at landfill sites rather than pursue waste minimisa tion or recycling initiatives (Shrank, 2011). Veolia states that it ‘encourages waste  minimisation and recycling’ (Veolia, 2014), however if a financial incentive exists if it fails that endeavour then people are right to be sceptical. The threat of a change in public opinion and awareness towards waste disposal could potentially impact L.G.I. Pty Ltd, particularly if they are seen as not encouraging waste minimisation or if their operations produce an unacceptable amount of air pollution. Landfill gas is an unavoidable by-product of our modern society and it possess several risks if left unmanaged to public health and safety. L.G.I. Pty Ltd is well placed to mitigate these risks and also potentially return a financial benefit to its clients, specifically local councils. In terms of opportunities, L.G.I. Pty Ltd faces a finite barrier in terms of number of landfills in Australia, it may seek to export its expertise to markets overseas to pursue further growth. It may also be of benefit to lobby government to encourage further legislation and taxation penalties regarding greenhouse gas emissions, potentially expanding its market. Of the threats facing L.G.I. Pty Ltd, the biggest is represented by existing the large companies in the electricity generating and waste disposal sectors, who invariable have better access to capital and lobbying power to further develop this industry. Finally, public opinion could negatively impact L.G.I. Pty Ltd if they are seen to be exploiting a resource which ideally should be minimised in the first instance. Clarke Energy, (2014). Landfill Gas | Landfill gas generator. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Landfill Gas Industries Pty Ltd, (2014). Landfill Gas Industries Renewable Electricity Leaders. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Department of the Environment, (2011). Capture and combustion of landfill gas. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, (2014). Local Government. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Landfill Gas Pty Ltd, (2008). Landfill Gas Pty Ltd. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Danish EPA, (2001). Miljstyrelsen. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Environment Protection Authority, (2008). Guidelines for groundwater investigation and monitoring for landfills. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. IBISWorld, (2014). Major Companies. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. AGL, (2014). Landfill Gas and Biogas. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Sita, (2014). Landfill Gas Management | SITA Australia. [Online] Available at: s/landfills/landfill-gas-management/ [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Shrank, S. (2011). Opposition to Waste-to-Energy: A Waste of Waste?. [Online] Worldwatch Institute. Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014]. Veolia, (2014). Recovering Resources from Waste Veolia Australia and New Zealand. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Aug. 2014].

Monday, October 14, 2019

Java Multithreaded Genetic Algorithm In Solving Computer Science Essay

Java Multithreaded Genetic Algorithm In Solving Computer Science Essay Time table problem is a kind of scheduling problems with many variations. It defines a class of hard-to-solve constrained optimization problems of combinatorial nature (Bhaduri, 2009, p.289). Constraints are the rules that control the schedule process and it not necessarily be satisfied but for certain constraints, it may be inviolable for the problem. Based on the constrains, sometime the scheduling problem may also facing the problem that it only be to obtain a feasible solution but all feasible solution have equal cost. Furthermore, the time table problem (TTP) also is an NP-hard problem and by conventional methods, it is very hard to solve (Even cited in Verma, 2012, p.919).The timetable problem can be of few kinds. E.g. for the transportation purpose, educational institutes, or a hospital roster for nurses. This project is considers a time table in educational, especially for the case of a School (Sapru et al, 2010, p.1). In recent years, interest in meta-heuristic approaches such as simulated annealing, tabu search and genetic algorithms (for school timetabling) has increased due to the ability of these approaches to generate solutions to solving TTP. (Schaerf, 1999, pp.87-127 and Burke et al, 2002, pp.266-280). Solving the real world school timetable problem manually often need a lot of time and resources. In order to handle the problem, many researches in this area has been invested over the year, the automated school timetabling is one of the part or idea in this area for those researches. It is a task that can save a lot of man-hours work. However it is difficult tasks faced by educational institutions. For example, it involves the allocation and distribution of resources to different tasks subjected to different constraints (Verma, 2012, p.919). Those are including of teachers, rooms, classes at a fixed number of available time slots and subjects. The constraints in School Time Table problem are: Certain room (computer lab, music room) cannot have more than one class in a given time slot. No class can have more than one subject in a given time slot. The number of classes per week is a fixed number for each subject, and this number must be met by the prepared schedule. Genetic algorithm (GA) have been used for solving timetable problem since 1990(Bhaduri cited in Bhaduri, 2009, p.289). The GA has global optimization strategy which can avoid falling into local optimum and it also is one kind of the iterative adaptive heuristic probabilistic searching algorithm (Yunfeng Dong, 2011, p.3703). besides that , GA also is the widespread algorithm for the timetable problem(TTP).The main reason for widespread of GA uses are GA do not require a continuous data set or objective function; they also require no gradient or other information (Sapru et al., 2010, p.2). In this project, we attempt to compare the results in time table solving based on the GA with java multithreaded and the GA without java multithreaded. An objective of this study is to prove that java multithreaded optimize the GA in solving school time table problem. Literature Review Genetic algorithm (GA) Li (2010, p.21) using the genetic algorithm to solve the university test timetable problem, from the experiment result show that the genetic algorithm able to get the optimal solution. However, the examination place is not in a big situation, so it only can guarantee obtains the overall situation optimal solution in the two number random situation. Yunfeng Dong (2011, p.3705) describe a new algorithm for scheduling system, it is genetic search algorithm . Traditional genetic algorithm has shortcomings of early convergence and variation problem . Genetic search algorithm is an algorithm that makes the improvement based on the genetic algorithm merit . It use partially matched crossover to solve the early convergence problem and the Tabu search algorithm concept instead of using mutation operator to solve the variation problem. A test for solving school time tabling between genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and genetic search algorithm, can be found in the paper .From the test, the time complexity of genetic search algorithm is the most optimal, compare to other .However, the test is only set the population size is 50 and genetic generation is 50 .The next experiment in the paper for the genetic search algorithm also can find out that more genetic generation, consuming more time for the genetic search algorithm . Whil e the genetic generation is increasing , the result is not so optimal compare to the performance in test. In Sheung (1993, p.448) , a comparison between the results produced by the GA-based (Genetic Algorithm) and the SA-based (Simulated Annealing) time table optimizer was found. From the result (figure 5) , find that the SA-based time table optimizer is better than GA-based time table optimizer , that is because the comparison only until generation is 50.But from the figure 6 , can find that the convergence curve of GA looks more stable and smooth for the larger population. Sheung (1993, p.448)- figure 5 Sheung (1993, p.448)- figure 6 Project Scope and Objectives In the title of the project, we find that this project is solving the school timetable problem based on the genetic algorithm (GA) with java multithreaded. By using java multithreaded, it will solve the problem of the speed of generate school timetable based on GA. The speed will faster than the GA without using java multithreaded. 3.1 Project Scope The scope of this project is the systems that generating the school timetable by the GA with java multithreaded and the GA without java multithreaded. The following details will describe the functions that both timetabling system will perform. The systems should be able to generate timetable for students and teachers. The systems should be able to let the students and teachers view their timetable online at anytime. The systems should be able to let teachers to check availability of the lab and book the lab online at any time. The systems should be able to let the officer in charged to add, modify, and delete teachers detail at any time. The systems should be able to provide a user friendly interface for users to use it. The system should be able to provide a simple and nice timetable interface for users to view. 3.2 Project Objectives Based on the project scope, the projects objectives are the proposed idea are: Main Objective Enhance the genetic algorithm (GA) in solving the school timetable problem by using multithreaded programming. The system will apply GA concept into the time tabling procedures to get the result and using the multithreaded programming to increase the speed of generate time table schedule. Sub-Objective To optimize the use of time. The time of generate the school timetable will be decrease. To save workload of the officer in changed and teacher. The system will perform time tabling automatically rather than the officer need to manually schedule the timetable. The system able to let teachers to check availability of the class room and book the class room online. 3.3 Conclusion The system able fully utilize processors to using genetic algorithms (GA) generate the time table schedule faster without changing the concept of GA .That is the innovation of this project compare with other. Methods/Technologies Involved 4.1 Methods GENETIC ALGORITHM (GA) Genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization and search technique based on the principles of genetics and natural selection.GA uses the concept of genetic recombination of parent chromosomes for traits sharing among their offspring, mutation to bring change among the offspring and survival of the fittest for the population to evolve [17,18]. In this project, the system apply GA concept into the time tabling procedures to get the result (time table schedule). MULTITHREADED PROGRAMMING Sometimes a lightweight process refers by a thread; multithreaded programming allows multiple threads to exist within the context of a single process. These threads execute independently but share the same processà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ resources. So, multithreaded program able to operate faster, if that computer system for the program has multiple CPUs or CPUs with multi cores. Java multithreaded is one of the multithreaded programming. The advantages of java multithreaded are given below: Processors are fully utilized. Threads share the same address space. Context-switching between threads is normally inexpensive. Not have as much OS overhead. In this project, the system using the multithreaded programming to increase the speed of generate time table schedule. 4.2 Technologies Involved Notebook (Window) with multi core: writing Java Language and running the system Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE): Developing time tabling system 4.3 Project Methodology The development method that will use for this project is incremental development, because the functions will be implementing in order the rank of according to ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s important in the project and release the latest version from time-to-time until the final version. C:UsersmirroDownloadsincremental.PNG

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mindfulness Based Meditation Essay -- Cultivating Mindfulness

This paper is about my experience with mindfulness based meditation and scientific inquiry of these experiences. Mindfulness based meditation is describes as technique used to cultivate nonreactive, non-judgmental and stable awareness of the present moment (Garland and Gaylord, 2009). The end goal is to sustain this meta-cognitive state for a long period of time. I practiced non-denominational form of mindfulness based meditation for the first time in my psychology class, which was devoted towards intellectual and experiential examination of meditation. The practice was conducted in a group it was instructed by our own professor and it begun at the end of class. There was one sessions per week and each session was structured meaning it was timed and the focus was on the out breath. I experienced numerous emotions, sensations and mental states while I practiced meditation. During my practice the focus was on the out breath and by doing so the idea was to have non-judgmental and non reactive awareness of emotions, thoughts and sensations that arise in my mind while I practiced meditation. Firstly, for me meditation served as a tool for self awakening, by ‘’awakening’’ I mean meditation made me realize the existence and dominance of mind wandering and ignorance. In a scientific study it was shown that mind wandering was the majority of the conscious experience (Hasenkamp et al., 2012). Before I practiced meditation I was unaware of the effects of mind wandering not only on performance towards certain task but also towards sustaining attention to the present moment. For example on my very first session of meditation I realized how I completely zoned out for the first few minutes until we took a break and that made me further realiz... ..., MA: Shambhala Publications. Ricard, M., & Chödzin, S. (2010). Why meditate?. Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House, Inc.. Corey, G., & Corey, M. S. (2010). I never knew I had a choice: explorations in personal growth (9th ed., instructor's ed.). Australia: Brooks/Cole. P164 Craighead, W. E., Miklowitz, D. J., & Craig, L. W. (2013). Psychopathology(Second Edition ed.). New Jersey: Wiley. P200 Ricard, M., & Thuan, T.X. (2001). The quantum and the lotus: A journey to the frontiers where science and Buddhism meet. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press. [Chapter 1] Arch, J.J., & Craske, M.G. (2006). Mechanisms of mindfulness: Emotion regulation following a focused breathing induction. Behavior Research and Therapy, 44, 1849-1858. Filaber, D. (2013). Transform Your Life with Meditation:The Lives and Legacies of the Greatest Meditation Masters. Bloomington: AuthorHouse. P33